Tryouts are open to ALL Arizona Boys & Girls 2008-2013/14
Fee: $60 if you register before 8/02/24 | $70 after 8/02/24
Tryout Dates: Saturday, August 10th and Sunday, August 11th
Location: Grande Sports World (12684 W Gila Bend Hwy, Casa Grande, AZ, 85193)
Age Groups: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013/14
Times & Fields:
2013/14 Boys -fields 5 and 6,
2013/14 Girls -fields 7 and 8
2009 girls -field 4
2008 Boys and Girls-field 4
2011 Boys -field 5
2011 girls -field 7
2012 boys -field 6
2012 girls -field 8
2010 Boys -field 1
2010 girls -field 2
2009 Boys -field 3
- Please avoid wearing any club logos on gear such as shorts, socks, etc. - club bags to bring your gear in is ok. All players must bring a soccer ball and shin guards. We strongly encourage everyone to bring extra water.
- If you cannot attend tryouts, please email ASA Technical Director chrisblundell@azyouthsoccer.org
ODP AGE GROUPS 2024-2025
2014 January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014
2013 January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013
2012 January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012
2011 January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
2010 January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
2009 January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009
2008 January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
NOTE: Age-Groups for ODP are determined by the calendar year players are born

We understand that players could have a club conflict with the ODP tryout dates or an injury. You should go ahead and register for tryouts and email Technical Director, Chris Blundell (chrisblundell@azyouthsoccer.org) to let him know your son or daughter will be missing tryouts. Players may attend one Pool Training as their tryout.
It is in the best interest of your son or daughter to attend both days of tryouts. Attending both tryouts allows the ODP coaches more opportunities to assess your son or daughter. Players missing a day of tryouts, however, can still be selected for Pool Training.
Pool Training Rosters will be posted on Friday August 16th after 4:00PM
Players should bring a soccer ball, plenty of water, proper footwear, shin guards, and sunscreen. Players must wear their Arizona ODP 2024 tryout shirt to both tryouts and all Pool Training sessions as the coaching staff tracks players using the number on the back of the shirt. Players should avoid wearing any club gear.
ASA will post specific office hours to pick up your tryout shirt at the ASA office. Shirts will also be available at the fields in August
Yes, players can play ODP and High School Soccer. Per AIA rule EXCEPTION: Athletes are permitted to try out for and compete with the U. S. Soccer Federation national team training camps and/or matches, as well as training camps or matches as a roster player in the Olympic Development Program state, regional, and/or national team.

Includes 2 tryout dates & t-shirt.
Early Bird:$60
Regular: $70
Includes 4 training sessions & sweatshirt: $199
Includes 2 training sessions, tournament registration & uniform $295